The James Joyce Centre was proud to host the launch of Dubylon: A Tower of Verse on Monday, November 20th 2023 at 7pm.
Dubylon is part of an ongoing intercultural writing programme that seeks to give voices to the many tongues and traditions that are part of Dublin’s conversations in the 21st century. A part of the Intercultural Language Service’s storytelling project which began in 2017, the book provides a space for diverse people to share how they see, feel, and live in the city which is their home. In the words of Dubylon facilitator, poet Fiona Bolger, it is a “translational/national, lingual project where we will be rooting ourselves in the language and poetry of Dublin while reaching across the waters and world to bring fresh phrases to the project.”
Dubylon is a collection of poems written by Dubliners from all over the world: Syria, Palestine, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, Peru, Malawi, and Brazil, among other countries. The event was brought to life with multilingual readings from the poets and musical interludes.