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Poems Ago

Bloomsday Festival 2024

13 June 2024 at 1pm

The James Joyce Centre is proud to present a lunchtime performance by Poems Ago on Thursday, June 13th at 1pm for the Bloomsday Festival. Poems Ago, the Irish-Dutch musical duo Juliana Hahn and Remco Jacobs, compose and perform music to Irish poetry and play original songs. In this concert, they will perform guitar and violin music set to James Joyce’s Chamber Music (1906) as well as poetry by W.B. Yeats, Oscar Wilde, and contemporary Irish poets. The concert conincides with Yeats’ birthday.

More information about Poems Ago can be found on their website

Tickets are €12. To purchase tickets, click this link.

The Bloomsday Festival is organised by the James Joyce Centre in partnership with Fáilte Ireland, Dublin UNESCO City of Literature, and the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.

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